With the colder weather arriving in Fort Collins and snow in the future, it is important to be ready when feet of the powdery stuff hits town. Here are five items you can pick up from Ace Hardware of…
As Thanksgiving is coming around the corner, you may start to hear people talking about turkey brining. Did you know that salt brining methods have been dated all the way back until 1775 during the…
Fire Prevention Month helps raise awareness about fire and home safety for your family in case there is an emergency. This is the perfect time to sit down with your family and make sure you have a…
Fall has officially arrived and it’s time to prepare your home and yard for colder weather. Follow these tips below to make sure you are on top of your list when winter creeps in! Clean &…
Just one step beyond cooking, canning involves processing food in closed glass Ball®canning jars at high temperatures. The heat interrupts natural spoilage by destroying food contaminants and, at…
When you walk in a garden store, nursery or supply store, the large supply of fertilizer can be overwhelming. With bags on top of bags towering over you, it is hard to decide and know which type is…
Delicious fruits and vegetables aren’t just for the summer! By canning fresh produce, you can enjoy them for months down the road. With canning season just around the corner, Ace Hardware of Fort…
Shoveling the driveway sure isn’t a fun task, but it is a necessary one especially if you live in Colorado. Here are a few items we recommend to have on hand the next time a blizzard hits.…
Digging out sweaters from storage, turning on the heater and ordering a pumpkin spice latte – these are annual tasks most of us instinctively do when fall arrives. But to sit comfortably…
In case you haven’t been getting your tailgating team set-up, we’ve got you covered with the essential tailgating list (and no, we’re not talking team-themed cookies here!) GRILL – Obviously,…