1001 E. Harmony Rd, Unit B, Fort Collins, CO


Bright blue skies, lush green lawns and golden yellow leaves make Colorado’s fall simply gorgeous! But fall, between summer’s harsh sun and the first frost of winter, is the time to color guard your lawn for spring.

Here’s are our fall yard cleanup tips:

1. Lower your mower so your yard is trim. New, tender growth can be appealing for diseases.

2. Mulch the leaves when they fall so your yard has plenty of access to sunlight and vital nutrients.

3. Feed your lawn with fertilizer by applying a weed and feed, such as: Scotts Turf Builder WinterGuard Fall Weed and Seed. To do this, first turn the soil, apply a layer of top soil before and then plant the grass seed. Next, use a rake to spread the seed and give the area plenty of extra water.

4. Take care of weeds at the same time by also applying a winter guard such as:

Scotts Turf Builder WinterGuard Fall Lawn Fertilizer, Ace Winterizer or Ace Winterizer Weed and Feed.

Finally, enjoy the last few weeks of Colorado’s colors before everything gets blanketed in white!

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