1001 E. Harmony Rd, Unit B, Fort Collins, CO

February 8, 2022

Winter is for the Birds



Feeding our Feathered Friends

During winter food is scarce for our feathered friends. One of the best ways to help the birds is to get a bird feeder! Bring the beautiful Colorado birds to your backyard this winter with great products from your neighborhood Ace Hardware of Fort Collins located on Harmony. 

First, choose a bird feeder.  Ace Hardware of Fort Collins carries a variety of bird feeders, so begin by choosing what species of bird you want to attract. For example, if you want to invite wild birds – but you have a squirrel invasion – the Perky-Pet Squirrel-Be-Gone Wild Birdfeeder would suit you best.

Next, fill the feeder with seed to attract your chosen type of bird. Ace Hardware of Fort Collins provides a wide variety of seeds for Colorado birds. It is imperative to get a feeder and seed that work together to entice the birds you love. Some of our favorite seeds are:

Ace Bird Suet: Ace provides 4 different suets, Peanut Crunch, Berry Blast, Bird Blend, and Orange Burst, for assorted species of birds. The pressed cake form is the only true no melt bird suet product line. It’s designed for year-round wild bird feeding in every climate. Note: This product may contain one or all of the following allergens: Tree Nuts, Fish, and Shellfish.

Ace Black Oil Sunflower Seed: Black Oil Sunflower Seed is the best single grain for attracting the widest variety of wild birds to your backyard. Its high oil content is popular with wild birds and the oil provides birds with the energy they need to live. Black oil sunflower seeds have a soft shell, which makes them suitable for small songbirds.

There are only a few more months of winter but we’re always fortunate here in Colorado with lots of sunshine and singing birds. Ace Hardware of Fort Collins is your place for bird supplies.

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